Lifestyle and Decor

Questions to ask before hiring a moving company

Private Property South Africa
Veronica Logan |
Questions to ask before hiring a moving company

Moving house is no small feat and it’s important to know you’re in safe hands when it comes to the moving company responsible for helping you and your household get from A to B.

Not all moving companies are the same, and if you don’t take the time to carefully consider who you choose, it’s very easy to end up with someone who gives you more grey hairs than help! Furthermore, there’s lots to consider when choosing a mover, such as how much stuff there is to move, how far your new home is from where you are and how involved the movers will be in the packing process etc. With this in mind, we’ve put together some of the key questions to ask a moving company before you make the choice as to who to do your move with.

• Are the movers licensed or accredited?

Unfortunately, the world is full of unlicensed or fly-by-night companies out to make a quick buck at your expense. It’s therefore extremely important to check with a prospective moving company as to whether they are accredited in any way. You can even take things one step further and ask them if they are registered with The Professional Movers' Association (PMA) or the South African Furniture Removers and Warehousemen's Association (SAFWA) as it was previously known. This accreditation association is responsible for setting professional standards within the moving industry and will assist with giving you piece of mind that the company you’re inquiring into is legitimate.

• Are they insured?

A very important question to ask of any prospective moving company is whether they are insured and if so, what their insurance covers. This is imperative to uncover as you’ll need to know what will happen if there are any mishaps or unforeseen circumstances during your move. Regardless of how far you are moving, a safe and trustworthy moving company should be able to offer you insurance or liability options or at the very least, a basic breakdown as to what is covered. For example, they might have Full Value Protection whereby they assume liability for the replacement value of any lost or damaged goods during the moving process. Alternatively, they could offer a specified amount of liability whereby they assume liability up to a certain value for any lost or damaged goods. No matter what is on offer, be sure to ask for proof of insurance to ensure that what you’ve been told is indeed the case. That said, it is also worthwhile looking into third-party insurance options if you feel you could use the extra cover once discussing the matter over with your potential movers.

• What do their costs include?

At the outset, it’s good to establish what costs you’re in for and what the quoted amount includes as often a low rate on the quote doesn’t always mean a low rate on the invoice! Be sure to find out from your prospective movers whether their cost for packing up items on your behalf is included in the quote as well as whether packing sundries such as bubble wrap, packing tape, cardboard boxes or outers are also included or rather need to be provided for at your own cost. Also be sure that you have covered off any specific requests or requirements with them (i.e. moving that piano!) and that any specific requirements in this regard are also included. Note, if the moving company hasn’t asked you for any specific detail before quoting you, chances are the quote you’re getting will be generic and could be indicative of a “hands-off” or lax approach on their side – ideally, not someone to engage with on a job of this importance!

• Are they experienced with your kind of move?

While it may seem that movers should be experienced with all kinds of moves and their specific requirements, it’s best to check with your potential moving company as to what experience they have with similar moving situations to yours. For example, if you are moving from, or even to, a fifth story flat find out how experienced they are with moving furniture up or down flights of stairs. Similarly, be sure to check their experience with moving specific pieces of furniture such as a piano or a fragile antique if you do have any of these “unusual” pieces in your home. You’ll want to know upfront that these and other precious items will be properly looked after come move time.

• Are they properly equipped to move you?

Moving a household’s worth of stuff is no small ask and therefore proper tools and equipment will be required for moving items safely and efficiently. Check with your potential moving company as to what tools they have for assembling and re-assembling your furniture, if required, as well as how they plan to carry out the move on moving day. It’s also good to get a sense of the type of vehicle they plan to use and whether it is suitable for what you need moved. A trustworthy and experienced mover will be able to give you an indication of what they will use to move you as well as how they plan to do it beforehand.

• How do they rate?

The internet is a wonderful resource for searching and checking up on how companies fare in the minds of consumers so take the time to do some of your own research into your prospective moving company. It’s also worthwhile asking the company for any references, recommendations or even awards to give you that extra assurance that you’re in safe hands.

In addition to further queries such as how long it will take for your stuff to arrive once collected, what restrictions apply and how to stay in comms with the driver on moving day, the above questions should stand you in good stead and allow you to make an informed decision when it comes to which moving company to engage for your big day. Remember that for a time, movers will be responsible for and in possession of the majority of the contents in your home so trust and reliance will be of the utmost importance! With this in mind, take the time to ask the questions and be sure you’re 100% confident that your stuff will make it safe and sound to the other side.

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